Thursday, March 1, 2007

ice ice baby

When I was kid, it never failed, if I planned the all important 11 year old girl slumber party-- My birthday plans would be ruined by horrendous weather. No girls could come out into "the country" to play because the back roads were so drifted. Well apparently the curse is getting as old and feeble as I am because a.) it is late (didn't get here till about 6 this morning) and b.) it didn't even close school just regular Michigan ick. In 1976 Tuscola county (and much of lower Michigan) was hit by THE ICE STORM. We were off school for at least two weeks and the snow was SOOO deep (okay i was only like 3.5 feet tall but still) My dad's friend Benny helped us dig tunnels under the ice crust. My sister Amy & I were like hamsters in snowmobile suits. Kat was so little that Daddy put her in the snow she freaked out and when he picked her up her boots stayed in the snow! We had a wood stove and a well so it was really an adventure for us. Like Little House on the Prairie but with better board games. I remember drying laundry by the woodstove because the electric dryer wasn't happening. It was fun for me...poor Mom. Funny how your perspective changes eh?

Gotta go warm up the bug.

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