Monday, February 11, 2008

Reverse Order

Okay-- maybe I'll just jump around the weekend in sporadic soundbites. You see dear one-- I am still kinda fuzzy from the constant flow of decongestant in *my* brain.

I think the two most vital facts in regards to my highly unusual & kinda crazy weekend is that I got to hang out gobs with Lusche -- fun for me---and Pete is trying his damnedest to drown in his own snot. ):--Not so fun. Petey had felt well enough on Friday that all plans were go.

He fetched Lusche in from the airport. I had guilt but I hate the airport parking ramp and he insisted he was fine. Plus I had promised Brooke I would hit the Pampered Chef gig. And that was fun--but then Lusche actually got bumped to a non-stop flight and was in Deeetroit at 9:45!! Cool beans! Well, Petey by the end of the day, had declined quickly from his Friday afternoon near jaunty-ness to Saturday morning--"Uh dude maybe you should go into Urgent Care?" He compromised with having his beer buddy (oops I mean medical partner) Mark make a house call Saturday morning. Mark agreed that big drafty barns were not a good choice and told Pete and his infected spit gland to sit his ass down and watch TV all day. So, Lusche and I split for Kazoo.

The event was very cool. It seems redundant to say I heart Val Day. But I do. Plus--Anytime I get to cheer Northshield guys makes me happy and surprise!! Hrdoir was there! and both Andronicus & Warwick (Tinn's squires). Saw Philippe & Simone!! The prettiest couple in the middle! Lusche kinda hogged Garth up when he wasn't on the field so I was a little bummed I didn't get to chill with him so much and Kassia was busy playing nice with the Queen, so I had to branch out a bit. Lusche introduce me to the legendary Palymar. HRM is as cool as everybody sez. He followed Tarrach's lead and commanded Sasha to "saunter" for me (Sasha's girl is gonna kick my ass!) I am just admiring his cote!!! Really (wicked boy!) I like kings who have a sense of humor.

I bonded big time with Eoa (girl--I still have no idea how to spell your SCA name) and poked Tom's "flesh eating bacteria" leg. I kept an eye on him and made sure he didn't go bonzai on the field--he is 'sposed to be in "healing mode" which for him means only fighting sword and shield instead of his beloved pole. And in his defense he was actually pretty mellow; his gift giving hand wasn't injured tho and he continued his tradition of plush roses and on top of that he sent Isabel home a heart shaped box of chocolates. It was bigger than her head!

Met another Yeti--Beth. I think I like them! I introduced Beth to Melisant and they chatted costumes and internships. Siri did a very good impersonation of Joan of Arc. I wish I woulda had the camera. While I was sitting at the heavy list table (that seems to be my new favorite hangout at events) Saw one lady fighter get a concussion one pupil was definitely bigger than the other. That was kinda cool.

Court was fun despite some random insane woman venting at us. Court was special 'cuz Jasper (the most perfect boy) got inducted in the Red Company. Alina got her dancing Laurel and Three Hills raked in the awards. I was proud of my friends. Mischief was managed (Lusche Faillen and I + Griffin d'Oro= getting shushed)--the funniest bit was when Faillen got called up to recieve her purple fret and we were screwing around so much we didn't even hear her name get called! So all the western/side peeps hissed in this uniform stage whisper "Faillen!" and we were like "WHAT???" --oops. Vickie got her cookie, I tried to hide under the table.

THEN--after court we Lusche and I started the Arctic drive home. Normally we can get to Kazoo in about 1:45. It took us damn close three hours to get home. The road seemed to have disappeared under the drifting blowing blizzard. Happily Lusche has the mad ninja driving skills only a native Minnesota-babe can have and we made it home unscathed. Coated in ice but safe as two peas in a Ford hybrid.

Sunday we slept in and had french toast with cherries & whip cream, read the papers went out for lunch. Took her to Grizzly Peak and Borders and then she and the kids had a tickle fest and then all the sudden it was time for the return trip to Detroit Metro. Bummer.

Pete is off to the lab to see if he has pneumonia. Update later.

1 comment:

Zoe the Wonder Dog said...

Awww... poor Pete! Tell him he needs to get better soon. Beer Fest is coming up soon!