Wednesday, February 10, 2021

List are good pre-writing

 Having reached the bit of pandemic claustrophobia where it is disconcertingly odd to remember how blissfully ignorant we were at this point last year; as we approach the YEAR anniversary of this horrific shite...

Top Ten Escapist Things for which I am immensely grateful, that were not appreciated a year ago:

1. My phone

a.) if nothing else...for pics of my brand new grandson.

b.) audible books 

c.) Pgo & Among Us   

d.) texting                

2. Animal Crossing

3. VR workouts

4. the NYT Sunday crossword

5. grocery delivery

6. Past seasons of British Comedy Panel shows

7. the bird feeders outside my windows

8. my dogs

9. The Lisa(s) C.,T. & W.

10. Red Wings hockey

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Mission Statement

 How heavy is 2 kilograms? (5lbs or 2,268g)

It's about 12.5 times as heavy as a Puck

It's about 95 times as heavy as a Mouse

It's about 150 times as heavy as an AAA battery

Monday, February 1, 2021


 We seem to be getting three eggs  a day. From six hens. Two of which are older and I don't expect them to produce. The mystery is why of the four new Reds, why do we only get three eggs?