Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Round 2

I am renewing my fitness vow. In the before times I had gotten down to 150lbs. It felt great. Thanks to COVID and menopause and hypothyroidism multipled by stress and anxiety and of course; vitamin D deficiency AND two shitty knees... I am back up to 195. Unacceptable. I have a grandson now. He has entered the "chase me I am a rowdy toddler!" and I want to keep up. we go again. One hurdle is getting a lane at the pool. I am all about reserving a lane... IF THE DAMN APP WORKED! So swimming, which was lovely and efficient,is now kind of a PITA. The weather may start co-operating soon. Trying to decide if Big Brother knowing my every move is worth the feedback from the Fitbit. I have memorized the 1 mile routes at the park. What do you think?