Monday, March 26, 2007

veddy bad indeed

oooh we like fondue very much. mmmmmmmmm, delicisioso.
Melisant did two delightful courses of dippable numminess. It was ab fab! I need to get me one of those lovely little things. First we did cheese with bread and veggies and THEN the chocolate--OH MI GAWD--little bits of minty or peanut buttery or BLACKBERRIES!! ahhhhhh so yummmy.

(And a plus dear one! I managed to hang out with Eli for over three hours and I am pretty sure I didn't say anything stoopid!! With two.5 bottles of wine involved yet) Actually in reflection I am not sure what was better...the fondue or the conversation.

1 comment:

Gwyneth said...

I am remarkably envious that you got dinner with Eli and Arianna and Melisant...