Tuesday, February 26, 2008

St. Practice Day Weekend

I stole this from Linda's webpage and I am pretty sure she won't care as it will only promote the best damn pub in Ypsi. I'll bet that Petey and I are there for at least a couple of hours! at some point...hopefully by the fireplace
"So, we all know how great St. Patrick's Day can be, so why not begin the party early? From March 14 to March 16 The Sidetrack will be hosting a St. Practice Day weekend, so we can all get warmed up for the real festivities on March 17th!

Stop on down to The Track and 'enHance your Guiness Here'- a Roger Clemens inspired 'Guinness on Steroids' special. For $1.00 you can add a shot of your favorite liquor to a glass of Guinness. Some of our favorites include Jamison's, Bushmills, Baileys, Butterscotch Schnapps and Raspberry Schnapps!"

mmmm Guinness!


Kate said...

i *heart* guiness

Lilim said...

Thanks for the Birthday wishes, and Happy Birthday to you, too!!! Did you happen to get my card, in the mail, yet?