Thursday, April 10, 2008

Playing in the dirt/seed sharing

I am so eager to plant my garden. I want to start NOW! I do not want to continue sitting in my cinderblock cell of an office. The window just taunts me. There is currently some sort of politcal art on the quad right now. A couple thousand little plastic flags fluttering colorfully against the freshly green grass.

I know-- The soil temp is not where it needs to be just yet. And frankly we haven't even built the square foot gardening boxes. buy this book!! I have laid out the footprint with string and stakes. C. has been setting her seedlings out in the sunshine, but I am just letting mine stay warm in the library window. That way I won't accidentally leave them out when it cools down at night. I did that once. Lost the whole menagerie. Had to buy all seedlings. I was sad. The huge Southern Exposure Bay window is full of basil, three heirloom tomatoes and three broccoli plants, also heirloom and organic. I have been watering them with Frank's leftover turtle poop water. Seems pretty effing awesome so far.

I want to plant the lettuce.

I want my bees.

Eric may have found us a puppy.

1 comment:

Ypsipearl said...

I have an electric rototiller if you want to borrow it.