Thursday, May 2, 2019

Crone Day

Gonna talk about something we as a society truly need to talk about. Menopause.

I haven't been a Maiden for quite some time, no surprise there eh? I have successfully raised three brilliant healthy babies into smart successful adults, so the Mother bit could get checked off, except they have all three insisted I remain on retainer. That's cool.  On to my Crone phase.

It has been a struggle. I want to celebrate an actual victory. Like PeriMenopause isn't hell enough, I am hypothyroid. No biggie, lots of peeps also have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Take a tiny pill get on with life. But,  WITNESS ME!!! OMG the combination of those two things combined with my desire to do adventure things and be strong?! It has been a long time coming. Started early. FAILED. Got to 198 days once, NOPE. BACK TO SQUARE ONE (at least three times) Evil black clotty scary shit. At several points I felt like an actual dragon with scaly skin and dripping acid. Horrific cramps that assured me I was dying. I might have been less than pleasant to live with. Brain Fog, constantly cold. Shit hair and splitting nails. Weak, tired, MISERABLE. Bruises took months to heal. If I get a cold I may as well just curl up and hibernate till it is done. UGH. Shoot me now and put me out of my effin' misery... except...


My husband didn't leave me. I didn't stab anyone. I think most of my "friends" still kinda like me...

Tonight at midnight I will be officially 365 days without a period. I am menopausal. I DID IT! I MADE CRONE STATUS!

This is not a bad thing. According to my man Joe Campbell, the Crone brings helpful amulets. Baba Yaga is kinda cool.  I am going to make myself a cake!

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