Monday, April 8, 2019

April 8-Monday of Week Four

SO tantalizingly close! But we have hit a plateau. Have known for several days (I really do not know what day it is...) that Weds of this week was the day the countertops are due.  It is super frustrating because although stuff continued (electricity and flooring) and is techinically on task-- I still have an oven in my living room.  And we can't connect heavy things like kitchen sinks or dishwashers cuz they are dependent on the counter tops. It is a domino chain of patience. This week we are on Matt the electrician's open job order, cuz he has to get another big project rolling for Vedder and will squeak us in when he can escape that job for a couple of hours here or there. He still has five undermounts and the sink lamp fixture to hook up.  We are a big job and he is doing great. WORST CASE scenario, we get him back on the 26th.

Mike and Don of Ypsilanti Restoration are amazing. Attention to detail, laid back and still professional. They enjoy working together. A pleasure really. The floor is complete and I LOVE IT. Pete and Izzy want to make a secret little game tile from one of the fam's favorite games, Settlers of Catan. A two for one port. Because the floor is complete we could have gotten the hardware, toe kicks and the rest of the foofoo (egg and dart) trim installed last week, but the only person capable of reading a calendar at LaFata was sick for two days so she is gonna call me tomorrow.  My patience is running thin with their division of labor and departmental lack of communication. BREATHE.  It will all get done. The cherry on the top of this sundae is the tile backsplash. Pete and I are rabid motawi tile fans and loved their work at the Wallace St house. Thursday we went out and got Leslie started with a color palette and our taste preferences and she is gonna get started on a project that won't be started till the end of summer. TOTALLY WORTH IT.  

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