The wheat thing as prelude to idiocy...
Part One: TMI
Among all the other shenanigans my 52 year old body is pulling, apparently I have a wheat thing. I think chilling on carbs as a weight loss effort has made me more aware of words like "fiber" and "bloat". If I only didn't love pasta, bread and CARBS SO MUCH. I love BAKING. UGH. I have learned the hard way that if, in one day, FOR EXAMPLE: I have a bagel for breakfast, two slices of pizza at lunch, and then say some baguette at dinner? I don't poop for a couple of days. I have experimented enough to come to the conclusion that I can have a SINGLE serving of wheat based loveliness per day. ALL IS WELL. The more wheat I eat in one day? The longer I regret it.
Part Two: the idiocy part
HOFoods failed me today. Went there purposely to get beautiful, guilt free tuna for supper. They did not have any. It was "in the store". It just wasn't priced out to go out yet. Could I wait 20 minutes? Ummmmm. NO. I bought frozen. While I tried to kill the unplanned and extra 20 minutes I remembered that I really wanted orzo. They had little brown bags by the bulk stuff. I got several things (all wheat based so I was quite pleased with the little bags. I don't need to buy it by the pound anymore...because a.) there are only 3 of us at home and b.) I don't eat dbl portions of wheat anymore. The little brown paper bag? Next to the frozen tuna? by the time I got home the condensation touched the brown paper. #sigh.