Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monthly Fitness Challenge. Embarrassing but true.

I miss the pool at the gym. I miss Becky, both physically and mentally.

In my efforts to get back under 150 I first did the month long push up challenge in May. Today is the last day of June and I am proud of myself for completing the June Abs Situation. Pushups were significantly easier. Comparatively, my abs still need work. BUT I DID IT! What was odd that today, as I passed 75 seconds in plank, I could hear my poor vertebra.. like grinding... Slipping... I had my form. I swear I wasn't sagging. Izzy will vouch. (Trust me you do NOT want to see that pic.) The longer I held it; it was like my spine wasn't structurally capable of holding my gut. 😒 All I could envision was a shitty freeway bridge overpass with crumbling concrete. Then the dogs were like "We will lick you-- as obviously anything over 30 seconds on the floor has our attention." So there I am holding Boat Pose and Lark is licking the back of my knee. YeGods! am I glad that is DONE. July starts a dumb bell regime. Should be a breeze. My arms are good. So the daily walking, reducing size and frequency of sugar and cocktails, drinking ALL the water and continuing to eat as smartly as I can without depriving myself of a few simple pleasures, I am just starting to see looser clothes.

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