Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Yowza...Grandsons are amazing!

Hi! Sorry, It has been a hot minute. I have literally been jetting back and forth across the country. I can handle Delta's end of LAX like a GD PRO! I highly reccommend TSA Precheck. It is worth every penny. 1. NEW TOPIC:The Driveway. We have paid an obscene amount of money to rip out the 40+ year old asphalt. It has been replaced with curbs and "self locking" gravel. Despite it taking well over a month and being rather wall shakingly/alarmingly loud and dusty? It is lovely. 1a. SHADE GARDEN...in progress, proper essay soon. 60'x 60' blank canvas getting reclaimed to native woodland and a rain garden. 2. NEW TOPIC: My Shed So close,so very close... to having it completed. The power has been inspected and approved and I have hired the dry wall guy who worked in the kitchen. He is coming Saturday! I promise to update more frequently now that D. isn't the NICU and things have settled down in SoCal. He is a chubby happy 8month old (maybe a lil asthma situation, because he is so young the pediatrician won't/can't say/test for "asthma" so we are running with "Restrictive Airway Disease". I suspect he will outgrow it.

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