Sunday, March 31, 2019

End of Week 2

My enthusiastic announcements that we are on task needs to be tempered just a bit. I had secretly hoped we would be further along. I can't bitch REALLY cuz we are making remarkable time and it is, for the most part, going along smoothly. These pics give you a good idea of where we were Friday of Week 2. Mike is doing a great job. He needs a couple more guys.
TARDIS cabinets and Settlers of Catan Floor.  #nerd

But, is this where I can rant about the hood? It is huge. It is too big. I guess if I back up and describe a thing I learned about "decision fatigue". Where one is just overwhelmed with choices. Are you familiar with Joe Jackson's song, "It is all too much?" yeah... can you hear him singing?

Some days I can't get started

Wondering which shoe to put on first
Or should I brush my teeth
Before or after I put on my shirt
So many big decisions
Boiled or scrambled, fried or even raw
I'm so damn open-minded
Used to think I'm lucky but I'm cursed

Those lyrics might explain:

THE HOOD--So there we were eight weeks ago after a 90-minute drive to the Shelby showroom. My hackles are raised cuz this Edie Falco wanna be is telling me what is trending instead of listening to what I want. She sells cabinets (I don't think she actually cooks) so of course, when she fails to return the favor of the drive back TO THE SITE to do the visual check LIKE she is SUPPOSED TO DO, something is gonna fall through the cracks. We end up with an exhaust hood that is JUST TOO DAMN BIG.  I am sure I had gotten to the glazed over portion of ordering stuff that was just
There have been a lot of men assuming a lot of things in my kitchen lately. I might be getting a lil stabby. Tuesday was particularly hard as one of the installer guys is very old school and very patronizing and quite sexist. He did a good job installing a fab product in a non-square, not flush modern build-- but, I sure hope he doesn't come back to do the trim. 

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