Saturday, March 23, 2019

End of Week One=Three Surprises

The living room. You can see through the fireplace. 
I am going to go with an A-. We are on task. The kitchen was demo-ed and the backer board for the new flooring is installed. The cupboards are delivered and safe. We are on task. However, the three surprises were 1. My own stupidity. I somehow expected the ovens to stay put. FOOL! #Monday 2. The second surprise was that the core crew would be down a guy who rather suspiciously was "very sick" after St Patrick's Day.  Mmmmhmmm. That dude has since redeemed himself as he is a workhorse and we are right back up to speed. The third surprise was the most inconvenient. Upon arrival, the cupboard delivery guys backed their massive truck in. I greet them and point out where I would put the truck-- if it were my job. Puzzled, the guy with the great beard asks, "Where do these go?"  I respond, "Now? or ultimately?" I ask. "They are for the house right?" he asks. "Yes!" I said. "Oh" he pauses, "the install guys are not gonna be happy. They have trucks full of tools to do the install. They don't carry dollies or straps to carry the cabinets that far."  Note dear reader, our garage is about 75 feet away from the house.  OKAY, move the dining room table into the library and smash it into the corner cuz now the library AND the dining room are both full of solid maple, made in Michigan, Tardis blue cabinets. Until Monday. When the truck guys assure me they will be in place in one day.
There is a tiny path from the working end of the fridge to the microwave.

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