Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Six Days till Kitchen Demo...for posterity

The floor. Slate! Yes! BUT it is flaking off in sharp plates because a.) it is a cheap product from the 70s AND b.) we didn't know you are supposed to re-seal it every now and then. THAT is on us. c.) See also grout. d.)However, I think "they" never bothered to level it at all. ("They, of course, being the tall, left-handed people who liked to grill and designed this very hip kitchen 30 years ago.

The thing I will miss the absolute least. The exhaust fan hasn't functioned for at least two years. The blower has been replaced twice. The louver is broken and INVITES cold air in. How do you like those "decorative" drawer fronts?  Those drawer pulls were the bane of my existence for about the first year we lived here. 

 Who needs toe kicks? We don't need no stinkin' toe kicks.
 "Their" dogs were very destructive. Bulldogs did this and they also damaged the upstairs bathroom. I feel for the dogs getting trapped and ignored for so long that they managed this. I am happy after living with it for 12 years to finally get it repaired.
The word you want here is delaminating.

 ...or glue just failing after 20+ years.
 Hey! Old houses settle. Shit Happens. (I am NOT gonna miss this aspect either.)
I just don't even.

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