Monday, January 15, 2018

"Honeyed Locusts"

In GRRM's fantasy series (which I have read at least three times and love to hate the show) A Song of Ice and Fire, the volume titled Dances w/Dragons has a scene where one of my favorite characters is served something called "honeyed locusts" (Hers are poisoned. These are not.)  For some reason several years ago (It had to be a marathon viewing party.) I made bacon wrapped dates.  Z. and I immediately decided they LOOKED like giant overcooked grasshoppers--a family tradition was begun! I have since done several variations, I recommend the family and barony approved pepper bacon and maple syrup sprinkled with Penzy's Northwoods Fire spice blend (paprika, garlic etc) CLICK HERE  However, for this iteration I wanted to respect the hosts' veggie preferences and so skipped the bacon wrap. You can swap out soft cheeses, tahini. You can swap out nuts (I haven't tried pine nuts yet and now I am in my macadaemia nut phase). You can chop the nuts and sprinkle on top. You have my permission to think outside of the box! They will disappear faster than if strong Belwas was nomming them!

Honeyed Locusts for Melisant & Jeremy’s baby shower

Medjool dates
Raw Almonds
Feta (3 parts)
Greek yogurt (1 part)
Minced fresh rosemary
 --big tip piping bag

1.     Split/pit the dates, get the nasty seed out but leave the backside of the date intact. Like a hot dog bun.
2.     WHISK THE SHIT out of the feta, yogurt and honey. (Srsly, I had issues with the piping tube tip getting clogged with chunks. I like chunky feta but this needs to be smoooooth.) Taste, adjust w/more honey. Fill pastry bag.
3.     Assembly line: Put a nice little dollop of cheese in each date. Squidge an almond into the cheese. Line ‘em up on foil lined cookie sheet (If you go for the bacon wrapped you might want to bake them on the rack/tray combo to catch drippings). Drizzle w/more honey (or maple syrup etc) bake for 15 minutes at 375F.
4.     Sprinkle with finely minced fresh rosemary.
5.     Eat one before they are all gone.

6.     Serve. They are rich so have a beverage that will cut through the lush.

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