Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Training the puppers

3. Perfect timing this morning. Just as Keiki and I were returnig from a quick lap around the park I noticed Stan and his Calder's Dairy truck coming up the road. We hustled to beat him to the porch so she could try a sit stay and meet the driver socialization exercise. Funnily enough Stan was also training somebody! LOL

2. While we were walking (left Luna alone so she could have some down time from constant puppy) she kept trying to lead. Luna gets to lead the pack when we are all walking as a group. Without Luna Keiki kept trying to stop and sniff EVERYTHING and to go faster than I wanted. There was alot of about face manuvers but I think it went well.

1. Not only did I get to play Pokemon on a walk but we picked up some trash. (Yes, I still hate plastic litter.) There was a Pepsi bottle in the snow.  Grabbed it up and rinsed it out to make one of these dog puzzles I saw on prouddogmom's pinterest. She loved it and got all the treats out is less than five minutes.

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