Saturday, January 16, 2021


 I (and several other Wings Fans) have a superstition about washing jerseys. That, if on a winning streak, one does not wash the team colors.

Last year, almost immediately before lockdown, I had a fantastic bDay celly. I wore my favorite soft fan jersey. It has the old Cougers patch on the arm. It laces like an old school team sweater. I got a lil sumthin on it. Nothing like the coneyplopstain on my Mac jersey, but enough that, maybe it needed a wash. Despite storing all the happy bDay memories. SO...

They had a shit season last year...who had a good year last year really?


They lost their first game wherein Larkin got the "C".


It is in the wash-- bad luckBE GONE! so the boys can win tonight. #FERDA

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