Wednesday, January 6, 2021

New Hope

 ~No, this isn't a Star Wars post.  But this morning Georgia left the Dark Side. whew.

~I haven't written shit in months. I mean to change that starting NOW. I hereby promise to add writing for 20 minutes every morning to my ...

"On the Daily" List.

1. Walk dogs. +1mile. no matter what weather

 2. yoga/strength

 3. chicken chores

4.  Duolingo/Spanish

5.  Drink ALL the water (66oz/8 cups)

6. Write for 20 minutes.

7.  Two emails/two petitions/two "effin do gooder" tasks

Ideally, I would like to get these done before noon. My good writing time is assuredly before 8am. If I get these done. And shower and make dinner?  I WIN!

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