Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thursday, Jan14.21

 ~On Monday I played chauffeur for Ms Izzy and her eye checkup. She skipped 2019 because of living in Detroit for school. Her 2020 appt was just cancelled cuz COVID!PANIC!... so this year was pretty important. No change in her prescription but WOW has downtown changed. Vault moved some games upstairs. A2H&G is really different-- they added a wall and sectioned off a kitchen swag space. A lot happened in the 9mos I HAVEN'T BEEN DOWNTOWN. It was like a ghost town. I got new leashes for the doggos.

Speaking of dogs and Izzy. She embroidered a little "C"on Lark's RedWings bandanna because yesterday Stevie Y named Dylan Larkin-- Captain.  YAY! He deserves it.

~Let's see Tuesday was odd cuz Z was in an existential/political funk. Anxiety over the pending impeachment. He is usually so zen. Doomscrolling finally got under his skin. I think he just realized we are living history.

~Yesterday was Weds. Thank goodness that MF was impeached AGAIN. Donald Trump became the first US president to get impeached twice, after a House majority (including 10 Republicans) charged him yesterday with “incitement of insurrection.” Supposedly, the Senate trial won’t happen until after Joe Biden is sworn in. Trump will likely serve out his full term in office. I dunno...chaos theory

Finished the puzzle. Liberty Puzzles are amazing and this one was a 1945 map of California.

~Today is Thursday. Pete's day off. (whoopee.  #AnimalCrossing) I will be placing an online order for White Lotus Farms. OH! The Wings skate tonight! If  Chloe's recent test is negative (should be) she will be joining us for Hurricanes and popcorn!

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